Category: Q & A

how to fixed react native whats wrong issues 0

how to fixed react native whats wrong issues

how to fixed react native whats wrong issues sdk.dir=/home/kali/Android/Sdk React Native is a great framework for building native mobile apps, but it can be a bit tricky to troubleshoot when things go wrong. Here...

how to write jenkins pipline to deploy spring boot service on docker 0

Dockerizing a Spring Boot Application

Dockerizing a Spring Boot application is a great way to make it portable and easy to deploy. Here are the steps involved: Dockerizing a Spring Boot Application Create a Dockerfile. The Dockerfile is a...

jenkins installation on linux 0

jenkins installation on linux

Installing Jenkins The version of Jenkins included with the default Ubuntu packages is often behind the latest available version from the project itself. how to install Jenkins on Linux   Debian/Ubuntu curl -fsSL

Remove term: Feign makes writing java http clients easier Feign makes writing java http clients 0

Declarative REST Client: Feign

Feign is a declarative REST client developed by Netflix. It makes writing REST clients easier by providing a simple API that allows you to define the endpoints you want to call and the parameters...

JPA Many to Many example with Hibernate in Spring Boot 0

JPA Hibernate One to Many Bidirectional Mapping Example

In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement step-by-step one-to-many bidirectional entity mapping using JPA and Hibernate, and the MySQL database. JPA Hibernate One to Many Bidirectional Mapping Example The @OneToMany and @ManyToOne JPA annotations are used...

6 Easy Ways to Stop Overthinking Every Little Thing 0

6 Easy Ways to Stop Overthinking Every Little Thing

While everyone overthinks situations once in a while, some people are plagued with a constant barrage of thoughts all the time. Chronic overthinkers rehash conversations they had yesterday.6 Easy Ways to Stop Overthinking Every...

How can I stop sexual thoughts and clean my mind? 0

How can I stop sexual thoughts and clean my mind?

How can I stop sexual thoughts and clean my mind? Every time you’ll get sexual thoughts,push-ups. Or pull-ups. Or any other exercise. Do it until you’re completely tired and you’ll have no energy for...