Ushna Shah in hot water again over joke about cyclone Biparjoy

Pakistani actress Ushna Shah has found herself in hot water again, this time for making a joke about Cyclone Biparjoy.  Ushna Shah in hot water again over joke about cyclone Biparjoy.

Ushna Shah in hot water again over joke about cyclone Biparjoy

Shah took to Twitter to share a post in which she joked that she would allow her husband, Hamza Amin, to find another woman if the flight she was taking crashed due to the cyclone.

The post was met with backlash from many, who accused Shah of being insensitive and making light of a serious situation.

Shah later apologized for her joke, saying that she did not mean to offend anyone. However, the damage was already done, and many people were left feeling angry and disappointed.

This is not the first time that Shah has been criticized for her social media posts. In the past, she has been accused of being arrogant and insensitive.

It remains to be seen whether Shah will be able to learn from her mistakes and avoid making similar blunders in the future.

Here are some of the reactions to Shah’s joke:

  • “This is incredibly insensitive and disrespectful to the people who have been affected by the cyclone.”
  • “This is not the time for jokes. People are suffering and losing their lives.”
  • “Ushna Shah needs to learn to think before she speaks.”

It is important to note that Shah has apologized for her joke. However, the damage has already been done. Many people are left feeling angry and disappointed. It remains to be seen whether Shah will be able to learn from her mistakes and avoid making similar blunders in the future.

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