GAZA: The death toll in Gaza rose to 24 on Sunday, including six children, as Israel escalated its bombing of Palestine. Palestinian officials said Israeli attacks since Friday had killed 215 people and wounded 215. 24 PALESTINIANS MARTYRED IN ISRAELI AIR STRIKES ON GAZA



The Israeli military said its airstrikes and artillery campaign could last up to a week, but Egyptian President Abdel Fatt al-Sisi said Cairo was on a “24-hour operation” with both sides to defuse the violence. ‘, he said. Silent Civilians took refuge in air raid shelters and AFP journalists heard sirens warning of approaching fires in the Tel Aviv area on Saturday night. READ MORE: Israel, Palestinians shootout at the mass escalation in Gaza Rafah, on the Gaza-Egyptian border, says women and children trapped under rubble after Israeli attack stripped civil protection unit said.

After Israel closed its border crossings, daily life on the Strip came to a halt while the distribution company said its only power station was closed due to a fuel shortage. Gaza’s health ministry said the next few hours would be “extremely critical and difficult” and warned that essential services could come to a halt within 72 hours due to power shortages.24 PALESTINIANS MARTYRED IN ISRAELI AIR STRIKES ON GAZA

I am aware of the recent escalation of violence between Israel and Palestine. On May 10, 2023, Israel launched a series of airstrikes on the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire from the Palestinian territory. The airstrikes killed at least 24 Palestinians, including nine children. The Palestinian Health Ministry said that most of the children belonged to the same extended family.

The Israeli military said that the airstrikes were targeting Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. Hamas has fired hundreds of rockets into Israel since the violence began.

The violence has been the worst since the 2014 Gaza war. The United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire. However, there is no sign of a let-up in the violence.

The situation is very tense and it is difficult to predict how it will develop. I hope that a ceasefire can be reached soon and that the violence can be stopped.

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